Adventures of Pancake A.

No longer uncomfortably pregnant, a first time mom chronicles life with her new baby girl!
*Baby shall be nicknamed Pancake for internet purposes.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Push Wagon!

Grandma sent pancake this adorable wagon off her wish list - i knew she was VERY ready for this type of toy! She has been pushing the keyboard Aunt DJ sent all around the house (on her knees, while she plays, it's cute) for the past week. I figured she could push itthe wagon on her knees until she was comfortable enough to stand at it - well check this out! this is in three parts, you can see Pancake explore her new toy for the first time :)

1 comment:

Grace said...

What a neat-o peak into the developing brain of a smart baby! Piaget would have a field day. And what a cool toy!